Exfoliating With Dermaplaining

Dermaplaning is a simple and safe procedure for manual exfoliating the epidermis and getting rid of the skin of fine vellus hair (peach fuzz). 

Using a scalpel and a delicate touch, the therapist simply abrades the surface of the skin using light feathering strokes. 

The therapist then finishes the facial with an oxygen mask plumping the skin and leaving you feeling flawless. The oxygen face mask will enhance that beautiful glow.


75 minutes £40

This treatment is a well deserved treat for your skin. The dermaplaning removes the dead skin and peach fuzz whilst the oxygen facial provides your skin with essential moisture and hydration. The results are instant, leaving you fresh faced and radiant.


Removal of peach fuzz and fine facial hair

Dermaplaning effectively removes fine facial hair and peach fuzz from the forehead, cheeks, chin, nose, neck and above and below the lips.

Smoother skin and an even canvas for make-up 

Dermaplaning creates a smooth, more even base, helping foundation to glide on smoothly and be applied more evenly.

Gentle and effective mechanical exfoliation

Dermaplaning is an exfoliating treatment that removes dead skin cells from the surface of the skin and helps to unclog pores ( Great for blackheads) by using a gentle blade.

Better absorption of skincare products

After exfoliating, moisturisers and serums can absorb into the skin more easily, boosting the effectiveness of your skincare routine.

Skin that is brighter and healthier looking

Exfoliation removes dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, which can cause the skin to look dull and lacklustre and causes a build up of dirt and oil in the follicles. removing the hair will instantly reveals brighter healthier and more youthful looking skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is dermaplaining painful?

    Dermaplaning is not painful at all. The treatment is carried out in a relaxing and comfortable treatment room, and clients say its very relaxing and they find the treatment quite satisfying – especially when they see the exfoliated skin and hair we’ve removed afterwards!

  • How often do you need to have the treatment?

    Dermaplaning can be performed every 3 to 4 weeks. Treating the skin in this manner actually removes about 2 to 3 weeks worth of dead skin cells. The technician should allow the skin to complete its normal skin cycle of approximately 28 days before repeating the treatment. Which will keep the skin bright, smooth and heathily exfoliated.

  • What is the difference between dermaplaning and microdermabrasion?

    Both options are a form of physical exfoliation. Dermaplaning removes vellus hair (peach fuzz) and dead skin cells from the skin, microdermabrasion also exfoliate the surface of the skin, but not as thoroughly or deeply as dermaplaning does.

  • Will dermaplaining cause breakouts?

    The truth is the exact opposite — not only will dermaplaning not cause breakouts, it will actually prevent them from happening. “By exfoliating the dead skin, [dermaplaning] will help to keep your skin clear,” Removing that layer of dead skin with the dermaplaning tool will help to alleviate congestion.

  • Who is a candidate for dermaplaining?

    Dermaplaning is suitable at all ages. While most skin types can benefit from the treatment i do not recommended dermaplaning for acneic skin.

  • Is there any downtime?

    The treatment is painless with virtually no downtime. You can immediately return to your normal makeup routine and you won’t have any of that “peach fuzz” interfering with it. Although you should always wear sunscreen, using it diligently after dermaplaning is very important for protecting the new skin the treatment reveals.

  • What precautions should you take before and after?

    There are no special requirements for dermaplaning, meaning you can exercise, shower and apply makeup as normal after a treatment. It is best to remove all makeup prior to your appointment, though.

    your skin may be sensitive for three-to-five days after a dermaplaning treatment. During this time, you should not exfoliate, apply retinol or expose your skin to sun. The last point is especially important as many of us are guilty of being a little lax in the SPF department at the best of times. Post-exfoliation, though, your skin is even more susceptible to sunburn and damage, so make sunscreen your best friend and stay in the shade where possible for the first few days post-treatment. You should also avoid having any other skin procedures for about a week following your treatment. With skin so radiant, though, why would you need to?


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